D-E ’98

2023.24 Volume 3, D-E '98

D-E ’98

Shareef Jackson had a featured essay in the Kobold Guide to Roleplaying publication. It was entitled “Embrace the Embarrassment:  Or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love It When I Bomb.” From Shareef's website (http://shareefjackson.com/about-me) we have...

Volume 1 2023-2024, Class Notes, D-E '98

D-E ’98

Isaac-Davy Aronson announced the launch of his new podcast, Rachel Maddow Presents: Déjà News, on June 12, 2023, which he is executive producing and co-hosting with Rachel Maddow. In the podcast, Isaac and Rachel "seek a deeper understanding of a story in today's...

Volume 2 2022-2023, Class Notes, D-E '98

D-E ’98

Rahul Sen Sharma was married in a traditional Hindu ceremony from November 8-11 in New Delhi, India. Surrounded by 250 of their family and friends from all over the world (including some of Rahul’s D-E Class of 1998 classmates), They had an incredible 4 days of...
