D-E ’86

2023.24 Volume 3, D-E '86

D-E ’86

Illana Post Raia spoke at an assembly at Dwight-Englewood this past February in advance of Women's History Month. Illana was invited by @dwightclubetre (pictured above). It was a thrill for her to speak for the first time about new research from @etregirls as she...

Volume 2 2022-2023, Class Notes, D-E '86

D-E ’86

Illana Post Raia was featured in an article published by Forbes on January 11, 2023, entitled, "Career Mentorship Stops Confidence Slide for Teen Girls, Study Finds." The article highlights the results of a national survey commissioned by Être Girls, where Illana...

Volume III 2020-2021, Class Notes, D-E '86

D-E ’86

Illana Raia is beyond honored for not only one but two reasons! First, she is honored to be joining the International Space Station U.S. National Laboratory's new User Advisory Committee on their Educational Outreach Subcommittee! She cannot wait to get to...

Class Notes, D-E '86

D-E ’86

This past August at the Time:Spans festival at the DiMenna Center for Classical Music in New York City, in a concert,  two works by Marina Rosenfeld, Deathstar (reduction) and My body, were...
